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Tri Leaf Radio

Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar and The Narrative

Hour 1: Audio Icon
Hour 2: Audio Icon
Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar & The Narrative: In our first episode (epic sound 1) we discuss many of the things of the Bock Saga or Väinämöinen Mythology including: Root (Rot) Alphabet, astrology, future predictions, understanding personal self, meridian lines, zero line, time zones, belief vs understanding, archeo-astrology, human origins, Pagan Star story and genealogy, mountain flattening, star catalogues, astronomy, Aser’s oral tradition, NASA, Ior Bock and the Ra Bell (Rebel) Narrative, ancient civilization, Micheal Cremo, Ghram Hancock, the “master key”, lady luck, destiny, lot, Texas Hold’em, the lucky day, death, human “race”, winners, cats and dogs, benefits of marijuana, Taoism, using sound system with root & van, Buddhism, Buddha’s origin, blue, pink, &red skin mythological figures, pagan vs Chinese holidays, mathematics and gender, raising kids, rednecks, 8 powers of Hel, Bagua, Martial Arts, pagan class structure and breeding, using sound system (Ordlek) to decipher pagan words and narrative. Aser vs Vaner races, psychedelics / drugs in terms of paganism and paradise time, amanita mushroom tea, murder of Ior Bock, the various pagan systems all over the world, difference between religion and paganism, Blood vs sperm offering, holi land / people, origin of religious figures / prophets, eras, Leminkainen Temple, mainstream, divan, Krishna, Narakasura, The Peacock Throne in Tehran… and more!

If this is the Peacock Throne it is millions of years old. Jim seemed to suggest it was a throne you could lay down on. But the internet seems to bring up more than one result... Wikipedia (of course) has a different story... & other possible canditates for the "Peacock Throne in Tehran" Below:

Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar and The Narrative

Hour 1: Audio Icon
Hour 2: Audio Icon
Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar & The Narrative: In our first episode (epic sound 1) we discuss many of the things of the Bock Saga or Väinämöinen Mythology including: Root (Rot) Alphabet, astrology, future predictions, understanding personal self, meridian lines, zero line, time zones, belief vs understanding, archeo-astrology, human origins, Pagan Star story and genealogy, mountain flattening, star catalogues, astronomy, Aser’s oral tradition, NASA, Ior Bock and the Ra Bell (Rebel) Narrative, ancient civilization, Micheal Cremo, Ghram Hancock, the “master key”, lady luck, destiny, lot, Texas Hold’em, the lucky day, death, human “race”, winners, cats and dogs, benefits of marijuana, Taoism, using sound system with root & van, Buddhism, Buddha’s origin, blue, pink, &red skin mythological figures, pagan vs Chinese holidays, mathematics and gender, raising kids, rednecks, 8 powers of Hel, Bagua, Martial Arts, pagan class structure and breeding, using sound system (Ordlek) to decipher pagan words and narrative. Aser vs Vaner races, psychedelics / drugs in terms of paganism and paradise time, amanita mushroom tea, murder of Ior Bock, the various pagan systems all over the world, difference between religion and paganism, Blood vs sperm offering, holi land / people, origin of religious figures / prophets, eras, Leminkainen Temple, mainstream, divan, Krishna, Narakasura, The Peacock Throne in Tehran… and more!

If this is the Peacock Throne it is millions of years old. Jim seemed to suggest it was a throne you could lay down on. But the internet seems to bring up more than one result... Wikipedia (of course) has a different story... & other possible canditates for the "Peacock Throne in Tehran" Below:
