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Epic Sound 6: Jim Chesnar and The Narrative pt. 3

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Epic Sound 6: Jim Chesnar & The Narrative pt. 3: Connecting the Saga, Basing something off the Saga, Ripping off the saga, Bullshitting the saga, The line between falsifying the saga and connecting to it, V.R. the Bock saga, Bock Saga Porn, Laws against the Bock Saga, immune system, Immunity to disease & how to build it, natural immunity and how to multiply it, cure to all disease,.knowledge held in sperm, pagan temple, etymology of monastery, mainstream media, good news vs bad news, COVID, Big Government, India’s response to COVID, Parasite / Paradise, Jim’s health condition, The true Temple Mount, Jim’s Goal on Belief, Growing Marijuana, Cloning / Cutting, Jim answering questions about the Saga, Significant of number 12, Roset family: Tor, Tora, Tyr, Tyra, Ra and Maia both Ra, Prose Edda, Bock Saga the only heathen story with no religious influence, Nine worlds, Midgard, Black / Blue men, Sun Shiva, Sun Temple water lock, Maia is the Virgin, Dios System, Major physical evidence favoring saga, Other Pagan systems, cannibal, information hidden in root language, baptism / water of life, Jerusalem system, Divan, Immune system, energy / knowledge, Who runs the world, our way of life, tribal system, …and more!

Epic Sound 5: Our Unsustainable and Unnatrual Way of Life

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Epic Sound 5: Our Unsustainable and Unnatural Way of Life: Materialistic life, Vaccines, Face Diapers, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Separation of Man / Nature, The death cult, Billionaire Worship, 40 Hour work week, New World Order, Ring Lands, War, Injustice, Inequality, Soul power, Political nonsense, Alternative News, Lack of Alternative solutions, Political Parties, “collectivism”, Sci/Fi Fantasy Future, inability to cope with reality, Saviors, Egotism, Death of the Natural World, Increasing Government power, Excessive Laws and Red Tape, The American Dream, The Money Wheel, Rich vs Poor, Corporate Sponsorship, The Kali Yuga, Degeneration, Lack of Compassion and willpower, Outdated systems of governance, American Competition, Alienation of individuals, False Ego, End of Morality, Keep Austin Weird, Big Tech Censorship, Why We Lack Revolution, Elimination of Truth, Circular Systems, Ring Lands, Fertility cults, Offering / Breeding system, True Collectivism, The necessity of individuality, Story Tellers, Oral tradition, Destroying the False Narrative, Alice in Wonderland, Defeat of Anti-intellectualism, The Solution… and more!

Epic Sound 4: Jim Chesnar and The Narrative pt.2

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Epic Sound 4: Jim Chesnar & The Narrative pt. 2: Hell, Dante’s Inferno, Underworld, Dwarves. Dragon System, Offering days, Name Days, Military breeding system, Holidays, Christina Victoria Boxtrum, Ragnarök, Nomadic, Hunter and Gatherer societies, Our plastic lives, Reform USA with 50% wildlife corridors, How / Why to give USA back to the Natives, Modern Urban Development destroying the land, Indian Reservations, Tropical / Arctical mixing, Racism, Pure race, National Parks, Disney Land, Austin Tx, Barton Springs, Hawaii, Return all land to indigenous people, The true Indian givers, Latinos / Hispanics, Nature’s Racism / Racial Purity, Tibetan / Sami / Lapland People, Racial connections, Inca, Mayan, Aztec, Forgotten age of the races, Asphalt / Our Fault. Pure un-toxic natural life, 10 Lost Tribes of Israel, Why nature doesn’t mix arts (species), Sport fucking, Sex, Nature’s breeding cycles, American Love, Taoist concepts of masculine / feminine, Marriage system, sexual relationships, sex for reproduction, Druid / Ovate / Bard system, Bock Saga vs other pagan records, Mixing Bock Saga with other narratives, Astrology, Asian / Pagan connection, Sun is alive, Belief, Lost Pagan knowledge, systematic oppression, Angels, Plastic-Fantastic lifestyle, How to be Pagan? …and more!

Epic Sound 2: Jakki Häggström: The Miss-Story + Our True His-story

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Epic Sound 2: Jakki Häggström: The Miss-Story + Our True His-story. The Baroque style, gothic style architecture, Vasa history, lower vs upper class revolutions, Finnish / Russian communist conflict. Death of Rafael Boxstrum, Finnish / Van language, Pagan art embedded in old architecture & cathedrals, The death cult, the infiltration of paganism, blood vs sex cult, symbols of pagan mysteries, the corruption of secret societies, aristocracy and old symbols, folk tales, rhymes and tavern rituals, Vikings TV show, his-story, elevation of life energy, Interpretation of text, Ignatius Donally: “Atlantis the Anti-Deluvian World”. Corporations, law, blood drinking symbol, transition of paganism to religious death cults, Jesus’s drinking rituals, danger of written history, Prove the Bock Saga Wrong challenge, hearing the saga for the first time, psychedelics + saga, coincidence, Jim Ches-Narr, manskior fylgior valkyrior / jing chi shen / body soul spirit, wheel of life vs tree of life, 8 Powers and the Tree of leaf, Tarot, Gypsys, viking runes vs alphabet, Jewish Kabbalah and Zohar, Freedom, æther, miss-story vs his-story, Chinese mystical tradition / calendar and other pagan mythologies, mankind vs animals, Heaven cult vs Earth cult, Taoism, Mantak Chia, fall of Rome and paganism, Pictish stones and Kabbalah, symbol literacy, holidays, election, Valhalla, spiritual exercise, sensitivity, Kina / China the Key of Knowledge, Dialects, Root and Van languages, Viking civilization, ancient east / west, exchange of culture, swastikas everywhere, Big Dipper - Ursa Major - Helike, Putin Crimean war and the old north pole, hidden stories… and more!

Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar and The Narrative

Hour 1: Audio Icon
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Epic Sound 1: Jim Chesnar & The Narrative: In our first episode (epic sound 1) we discuss many of the things of the Bock Saga or Väinämöinen Mythology including: Root (Rot) Alphabet, astrology, future predictions, understanding personal self, meridian lines, zero line, time zones, belief vs understanding, archeo-astrology, human origins, Pagan Star story and genealogy, mountain flattening, star catalogues, astronomy, Aser’s oral tradition, NASA, Ior Bock and the Ra Bell (Rebel) Narrative, ancient civilization, Micheal Cremo, Ghram Hancock, the “master key”, lady luck, destiny, lot, Texas Hold’em, the lucky day, death, human “race”, winners, cats and dogs, benefits of marijuana, Taoism, using sound system with root & van, Buddhism, Buddha’s origin, blue, pink, &red skin mythological figures, pagan vs Chinese holidays, mathematics and gender, raising kids, rednecks, 8 powers of Hel, Bagua, Martial Arts, pagan class structure and breeding, using sound system (Ordlek) to decipher pagan words and narrative. Aser vs Vaner races, psychedelics / drugs in terms of paganism and paradise time, amanita mushroom tea, murder of Ior Bock, the various pagan systems all over the world, difference between religion and paganism, Blood vs sperm offering, holi land / people, origin of religious figures / prophets, eras, Leminkainen Temple, mainstream, divan, Krishna, Narakasura, The Peacock Throne in Tehran… and more!