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The Majestic Blah

Alchemical Blog

  • Paradise & The Parasite

              Have you ever wondered: Why can’t I win? Why do I always loose? Why am I always tired? Why is everything just out of reach? Am I cursed? The answer is in: "Paradise & the Parasite". All life is parasiting to live. In paradise and mythology the gods receive give / offering from their offspring, so in the fall... how would that be any different?! Would it not indeed be more a negative in the current age if it were regenerative and positive in paradise? Today we don’t have gods / goddesses. We live in the profane fall not the mythological paradise but we still have the equivelent: parents and kids. If your parents or kids are dead, have you made peace with the dead? Do you make offerings to them regularly? Yet you require they exist do you not? Is anything in life really free? Do you understand The Power of the Weak /soft? Read more to understand.

              The Bock Saga points out adroitly, we all come from paradise. ...

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Page Last updated: 13 July 2024 at 7:20am