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there is no one ring to rule them all...
perhaps not even a ring at all...
I cannot prove qigong culture works
You will never be the best of all
only gods / goddesses can be thus
no individual.
"the works the Gods do, he shall do also,
and greater"
but you won’t be in the record books
you can only be the best in your own time
and thats always relative and off record
There will always be someone
more clever than yourself
King Author
made Lancelot his champion
That broke Excalibur,
The seed of the future and past
nobody can really be the best.
You may only best yourself in your own time
(personal soul knowledge)
others will always exceed you for ALL time
show your knowledge to be insignificant
This is the path to self knowledge,
thus humility.
We are not gods or goddesses
Gods are people who had Title to be the best.
Fate decided it, not them.
There is no key of knowledge to everything
Everything / everyone is the key,
and they is the individual / the unique complex soul.
All the techniques can do is help you achieve your goal,
make you the best YOU can be in your own time,
and if that is your day and you took the time
to do what you’re trying to achieve.
So if it sounds to you like there is nothing here, there is,
but if it sounds to you like there is everything here, there isn’t.

Rule Them All



there is no one ring to rule them all...
perhaps not even a ring at all...
I cannot prove qigong culture works
You will never be the best of all
only gods / goddesses can be thus
no individual.
"the works the Gods do, he shall do also,
and greater"
but you won’t be in the record books
you can only be the best in your own time
and thats always relative and off record
There will always be someone
more clever than yourself
King Author
made Lancelot his champion
That broke Excalibur,
The seed of the future and past
nobody can really be the best.
You may only best yourself in your own time
(personal soul knowledge)
others will always exceed you for ALL time
show your knowledge to be insignificant
This is the path to self knowledge,
thus humility.
We are not gods or goddesses
Gods are people who had Title to be the best.
Fate decided it, not them.
There is no key of knowledge to everything
Everything / everyone is the key,
and they is the individual / the unique complex soul.
All the techniques can do is help you achieve your goal,
make you the best YOU can be in your own time,
and if that is your day and you took the time
to do what you’re trying to achieve.
So if it sounds to you like there is nothing here, there is,
but if it sounds to you like there is everything here, there isn’t.

Rule Them All




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Tri Leaf Visual Ki

8 Powers Beginner's Pack

Crafted by a certified Qigong teacher… Everyone eventually reaches the point in their life where they cannot handle more. From then on it’s a monotonous pattern until they die; they don’t have the energy or strength to take on more. Enter: via The Key of Knowledge at the Door of Life! Ultra HD (4k,1080p) Spiritual Practice (Qigong) courses connecting with relevant mythology, numerology, symbols, occult wisdom, and The Tree Of Life system via 3D / 2D animation visualizations and presentations, taking you from the most basic level to adept! True knowledge and wisdom only a motion picture / animation can communicate visually!

The beginner series practices starts off rebuilding your energy from the ground up, firstly rooting your consciousness / energy in your root & disentangling from harmful influences. The second practice “Gentle Penetration" then multiplies this throughout the entire body. “Inner Nourishing” begins to sprout the seed of your energy body from that fresh ground & root up through your central channel to the highest energy center. Light, energy, libido increase. “Standing Pole” consolidates that energy & power into the standing posture, rooting & integrating consciousness again. “Nine Threading Breaths” continues your disentangling while introducing tonification, imagination & the light or Ra.

0. FREE Beginner's Pack Video Series Introduction

0. FREE Beginner's Pack Video Series Introduction


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The sixth video includes three practices & returns to one to seated position with the power of imagination or visualization & solidifies the foundational stoic “Universal Tao” practice the “Inner Smile". The “Six Healing Sounds” then directly re-balances your emotional body & internal organs & by “Turning the Mill Wheel” or “Microcosmic Orbit” the Taoist equivalent of Kundalini Yoga the energy body or “eggo” begins to seal, augmenting your immunity. "Swimming Dragon" then takes this serpent energy & encircles the three energy centers, opening up the spine the 'axis mundi' of your body. Finally Bagua brings it all together on your feet walking now rooting the self / soul strengthens legs & opens the spine integrating the previous skills.

1. Laying Down DanTien

1. Laying Down DanTien Breathing 放下丹田氣功

This is the key exercise and serves as the foundation of Qi. If you could master this one exercise and take it into your daily life wherever you are and whatever you are doing: then you will be the hidden master in all times and places. DanTien breathing opens the gate to all things; it is the heart of life. Master this very simple exercise - if you can. This exercise however is deceptively simple. In our video we emphasize the lowest diaphragm as fundamental. Without understanding this detail one cannot truly understand the power in this exercise. But with this understanding in this video one can relieve tremendous levels of lower back pain - at will, and on command!! Works like magic! Also reduces that waistline!

Benefits: Correctly done Lying Down Dantian Breathing eliminates built up stress along the lower back and hips. This very powerful exercise fortifies this energy at the root level as life’s conflicts and controversies no longer can access or manipulate the individual via force in the lower energy centers. Lying Down Dantian Breathing helps gather energy in the Lower Dantian and nourishes the YuanQi (Original Qi) that is housed there. The Original Qi is the foundation of our life force, and forms the basis of our constitutional strength. When the Original Qi is strong, we feel healthy, calm, focused and centered. All of our bodily functions will be improved. Expanding and pushing down on the urogenital diaphragm roots the qi into the Tor or sexual center and the ground, and disperses pathological qi invading the lower areas of the body. STRONGLY DISPERSES INTERNAL LOWER BACK TENSION.

2. Gentle
Penetration Qigong

2. Gentle Penetration Qigong 放巽功

The key to inner freedom is having space within. If our space is full and congested we will feel likewise. Most people today live without this freedom. This exercise will release your entanglements open the dam and clear your channels. The removal of all energy blockages leads to enlightenment - it’s that simple. Also highly recommended for people with high blood pressure, PTSD, chronic stress, anxiety, ulcers, constipation, neurasthenia and more.

Benefits: Fang Sun Gong will continue the progress made with Laying down dantien breathing by allowing one to further clear a space for the life energy to expand throughout the whole body. Fang Sun Gong helps break up emotional armoring and chronic stress by teaching progressive relaxation, auto-suggestion and breathing. To be relaxed and clam you must be strong within and overcome the hardened weakness and emotional armoring from social conditioning etc. This qigong speeds recuperation of one’s constitutional strength. Its slow breathing induces one’s mentally agitated condition to return to a more calm and stable state. This exercise helps people store energy and dissolve weakness.

3. Inner
Nourishing Qigong

3. Inner Nourishing Qigong 內養功

Take the core heart exercise to the next level, and descend deeper into ontology. This exercise marks the moment between yin and yang, and cultivates the spirit. Deep abdominal breathing with these three stages can cause strong arousal of life energy and can treat: asthma, chronic functional heart disease, chronic indigestion, fatigue, irregular mensuration, low libido and more.

Benefits: Inner Nourishing Qigong is suitable for treating digestive and respiratory problems such as chronic constipation, duodenal ulcers, hepatitis and ptosis of the stomach (beer belly or prolapse of abdomen). It can also treat asthma, and chronic functional heart disease, chronic indigestion, fatigue, irregular menstruation, and low libido. Can open the root chakra. Open up the central channel.

4. Standing
Pole Qigong

4. Standing Pole Qigong 站極氣功

Rebuilding your energy from the ground up leads to now standing erect. This shamanic practice connects you directly with mythology and the center of the world. This deceptively simple but powerful exercise helps integrate your skills into daily life. Highly recommended for martial artists or anyone who stands on two feet. One of the most powerful of all self-healing exercises.

Benefits: Standing Pole Qigong is one of the most strengthening and healing of all the different qigong exercises. It helps you to integrate your abdominal breathing / meditative mind into daily life, and trains you to maintain good posture and breathing habits as you stand and walk. Standing Pole Qigong is a pivotal foundation exercise for training both martial artists and Qigong healers, and is one of the most powerful of all self-healing exercises because it is grounding and somewhat rooting the body into the earth.

5. Nine Threading

5. Nine Threading Breaths Qigong 貫氣法氣功

The prototypical Chinese qigong movement involves grounding and pushing the the energy downward into the ground. This is used in martial arts and qigong, and is perhaps opposite of the Indian’s raising the kundalini, but complementary. This exercise will correct the scattered energy and make it circulate smoothly throughout the body. It will also ground any anxiety or stress down into the ground and reinvigorate you.

Benefits: Nine Threading Qigong Breaths (Guanqifa Qigong) is a simple yet powerful qi circulation exercise. The intent is to channel the quintessence of the universe into the body through the baihui point at the crown, and to drain any impurities from the body. This is the quintessential movement in Chinese energy practices. The movement is to push the energy down into the ground. This relaxes the body and reduces stress in a timely fashion. Anxiety, mental restlessness all are reduced by this practice. This technique uses the movements of the arms to assist in leading the qi throughout the body. Many older people have energy meridians with qi that is scattered and unbalanced. Their Upper Burner is too stuffy and has stagnant qi; and their Lower Burner is deficient in vital qi. The first stage in Qigong training is to reverse this condition; that is, to raise the vital qi and to eliminate the stagnant qi. This will correct scattered energy and make it circulate smoothly throughout the body. This technique is an excellent way for beginners to lay a solid foundation for furthering their Qigong training.

6. Inner Smile, Microcosmic, & 6 Healing Sounds

6. Inner Smile 内微笑氣功, Turning the Mill-Wheel or Microcosmic Orbit 微觀氣功, & 6 Healing Sounds 六康復聲音

Inner Smile 内微笑氣功 :This is the first 內功 nei gong (internal alchemy) practice and is a fundamental core discipline for further exploring the inner planes, and levels of energy within the body or soul.

Benefits: Smiling to oneself is like basking in love, and love can repair and rejuvenate. One student of Master Chia was able to cure herself of breast cancer by continually practicing the inner smile to that part of her body. Taoists say that when you smile to your organs, they release a honey-like secretion which nourishes and rejuvenates the whole body while anger, fear, & negativity, release a poisonous secretion which blocks up the energy channels and settles in the organs. A smile increases energy, while a frown eliminates it.

Turning the Mill-wheel or Microcosmic Orbit 微觀氣功: Kundalini Yoga practices mimic the microcosmic orbit and raise the serpent up the spine to the head in a flash. The microcosmic orbit not only raises the energy up but also back down. Mentioned in the famous: “Secret of The Golden Flower”. This primordial ring of Hel is part of the foundation to internal alchemy.

Benefits: Opening up the microcosmic orbit channels strengthens and solidifies your immune system and whole body vitality. This exercise can help heal lower back problems and trapped energy (tension) in the spine and head. Boosts libido. Opens ups the ring or wheel of power.

6 Healing Sounds 六康復聲音: As the first practice which targets the emotional energies this practice will eliminate negative emotions and plant the seed for corresponding positive emotions in their place. Benefits include improved calmness, health, libido, digestion, increased immunity, cessation of drug dependence, relief from psychological disease such as depression, anxiety, anger + more.

Benefits: Removes negative emotions / emotional armoring, tonifies the positive virtues. Calmness, health, libido, improved digestion, increased immunity, cessation of drug dependence, relief from psychological disease such as depression, anxiety, anger etc.

7. Swimming Dragon

7. Swimming Dragon Qigong 游龙氣功

Swimming Dragon Qigong 游龙氣功, loosens the lower back and spine, improves physical appearance and vitality, opens the energy, deepens the breathing, helps to circulate the blood and supply of oxygen. Reduces weight and fat along the waist-line. Improves digestion, appetite and appearance. Stimulates the endocrine system. Improves skin health. Releases tension and stress. Reduces wrinkles on the skin and effects of aging. Increases ability to relax. Decreases adrenaline secretion, activates autonomic nervous system and de-activation of the sympathetic nervous system, lowering of plasma dopamine and b-hydroxylase, relaxation of the tenseness of the blood vessels increase in hydrolase metabolism levels elevation of the levels of prolactin in blood plasma.

The serpentine curvilinear twisting of the waist and spine movements benefit all the internal organs, bones, ligaments, tissues and systems including but not limited to: digestive, skin, respiratory, kidneys, spinal, nervous and qi meridian systems.

Benefits: Swimming Dragon Qigong loosens the lower back and spine, improves physical appearance and vitality, opens the energy, deepens the breathing, helps to circulate the blood and supply of oxygen. Reduces weight and fat along the waist-line. Improves digestion, appetite and appearance. Stimulates the endocrine system. Improves skin health. Releases tension and stress. Reduces wrinkles on the skin and effects of aging. Increases ability to relax. Decreases adrenaline secretion, activates autonomic nervous system and de-activation of the sympathetic nervous system, lowering of plasma dopamine and b-hydroxylase, relaxation of the tenseness of the blood vessels increase in hydrolase metabolism levels elevation of the levels of prolactin in blood plasma.

8. Bagua

8. Bagua Walking 八卦

Learn to open your energy channels while engaged in movement! This advanced understanding only comes with practice! Critical to bringing forth the soul into mundane life & under pressure! A metaphor for your life!

八卦 Bock walking or walking for the Bock - the Bock walk, or offering, is a shamanic practice. Bagua walking improves balance, coordination, flexibility, body mind connection, and gives the student a form to coordinate the breathing with walking.

Make your deal with De-vil! The Wheel of Life!
Put in your favorite music, and trance-dance to the beat!

Easiest way out of the linear, piecemeal state of mind of the modern world is to walk in a circle. Automatically deepening the breathing, a circle is the movement of nature and eternity. Passing through the eight directions while focusing on a center point, the center of the circle and the center of the body. Circle walking is done in many mystical systems as a contemplative exercise. Bagua is a dance a meditation and a martial art, the 8 natural powers or gods themselves.

Gently loosens and penetrates the hips and spine no other exercise really can! Roots the soul into the soil, Disperses the harmful energy, and tonifies the vital energy. Loosens the joints, waist, spine, shoulders, neck & ankles. Empties the mind and invigorates the heart: Tor / Dantian. Sharpens the focus. Circulates the energy.

A closed circuit builds up the supply of vital energy and can be used for self-healing / protection. In nature all things are circular, when we walk in a circle and the body twists and spirals we are moving like nature does, leaving behind our human concepts!

Benefits: Roots the soul into the soil, Disperses the harmful energy, and tonifies the vital energy. Loosens the joints, waist, spine, shoulders, neck & ankles. Empties the mind and invigorates the heart: Tor / Dantian. Sharpens the focus. Circulates the energy. Integrates your breathing and meditative mind into the walking and movement practice.

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    All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
3D / 2D Animated Video Book

8 Powers & The Tree of Leaf

Is an magical fun and astonishing 3d/2d HD (1080p) 2 hour animated Video / Audio Book that serves as a mythological explanation of the original heathen tree of life, serpent knowledge, energy, soul anatomy, breeding, offering and reincarnation system of Frey and Freya the first two people on the planet!

Sound, language, symbols, rhymes, artifacts, mathematics, and more passed down to us by our ancestors come together to encode a lost secret oral tradition that tells a logical story based in myth and history to reveal a lost mystical system hidden on the tree of life. Now for the first time being revealed.

What is Kabbalah and what does it mean?

It is in fact the original be-leaf system of the very first people on the planet. Learn how our most basic essence: the sun and moon creates the tree. Students of Kabbalah will find this system amiable and most logical.

In this Video / Audio Book the argument is made that the tree and wheel of life is the original heathen breeding and offering system first people in the Garden of Odin (a.k.a “Eden”). This is a logical progression through the 8 Powers of Hel according to the Bock saga which create the tree of life or Kabbalah. Evidence is presented proving that the tree of life is the original world-wide heathen life and fertility culture. The words we use today have hidden meaning that tell the story and culture of the people who created them. This aphrodisiacal fertility culture was the first on the planet to which all world culture, language and art comes from.

These motion pictures are works of art by an individual artist. Like purchasing a painting you are supporting the hundreds or thousands of hours that have gone into creating them! As well as receiving the unique knowledge ands wisdom only a motion picture and animation can SHOW.

Click Me!

Is an magical fun and astonishing 3d/2d HD (1080p) 2 hour animated Video / Audio Book that serves as a mythological explanation of the original heathen tree of life, serpent knowledge, energy, soul anatomy, breeding, offering and reincarnation system of Frey and Freya the first two people on the planet!

Sound, language, symbols, rhymes, artifacts, mathematics, and more passed down to us by our ancestors come together to encode a lost secret oral tradition that tells a logical story based in myth and history to reveal a lost mystical system hidden on the tree of life. Now for the first time being revealed.

What is Kabbalah and what does it mean?

It is in fact the original be-leaf system of the very first people on the planet. Learn how our most basic essence: the sun and moon creates the tree. Students of Kabbalah will find this system amiable and most logical.

In this Video / Audio Book the argument is made that the tree and wheel of life is the original heathen breeding and offering system first people in the Garden of Odin (a.k.a “Eden”). This is a logical progression through the 8 Powers of Hel according to the Bock saga which create the tree of life or Kabbalah. Evidence is presented proving that the tree of life is the original world-wide heathen life and fertility culture. The words we use today have hidden meaning that tell the story and culture of the people who created them. This aphrodisiacal fertility culture was the first on the planet to which all world culture, language and art comes from.

These motion pictures are works of art by an individual artist. Like purchasing a painting you are supporting the hundreds or thousands of hours that have gone into creating them! As well as receiving the unique knowledge ands wisdom only a motion picture and animation can SHOW.

Why do we have family trees?

This animated narrative will explain all this while activating deep archetypal consciousness as explanations are revealed. Research and narrative was composed using the Bock saga sound system, symbology and oral tradition including poetry, etymology, numerology, binary language, metaphysics, root alphabet, mathematics, geometry, linguistics, occultism, holism, psychology, pre-history, culture, astrology, anatomy of soul and body which forms the foundation of all religion, philosophy and occultism.

This 3D/2D animated grimoire unifies all pre-religious traditions all over the world, with a focus on the European and Chinese Taoist occult and mythological tradition. Other areas include: Egyptian, Hindu, Native American, Greek and Roman, Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Alchemical, Viking, and Buddhist culture, teachings, literature, artifacts, practices and games. Popular nursery rhymes hitherto misunderstood are now finally explained in terms of the original pagan culture which created them! First time original interpretation of Pictish stones, Egyptian hieroglyphics, mythological creatures, inner and outer mystery cults and end of the year celebrations using the tree referred to today as Christmas or Yule Tree are finally revealed. Discussion of the “money” or currency system, trade and banking, our calendar system, the heathen moon cycles, future prophecies and how all of these are connected and are one!

One may ask how one 2 hour video can have all these things together as one? The only answer is to see and hear it all for yourself! But don’t just watch it once, this magical fun animated audio book needs to be studied again and again as it is a very large reorientation of everything!

This is a historical redefining event!
You don’t wanna miss this!

Why do we have family trees?

This animated narrative will explain all this while activating deep archetypal consciousness as explanations are revealed. Research and narrative was composed using the Bock saga sound system, symbology and oral tradition including poetry, etymology, numerology, binary language, metaphysics, root alphabet, mathematics, geometry, linguistics, occultism, holism, psychology, pre-history, culture, astrology, anatomy of soul and body which forms the foundation of all religion, philosophy and occultism.

This 3D/2D animated grimoire unifies all pre-religious traditions all over the world, with a focus on the European and Chinese Taoist occult and mythological tradition. Other areas include: Egyptian, Hindu, Native American, Greek and Roman, Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Alchemical, Viking, and Buddhist culture, teachings, literature, artifacts, practices and games. Popular nursery rhymes hitherto misunderstood are now finally explained in terms of the original pagan culture which created them! First time original interpretation of Pictish stones, Egyptian hieroglyphics, mythological creatures, inner and outer mystery cults and end of the year celebrations using the tree referred to today as Christmas or Yule Tree are finally revealed. Discussion of the “money” or currency system, trade and banking, our calendar system, the heathen moon cycles, future prophecies and how all of these are connected and are one!

One may ask how one 2 hour video can have all these things together as one? The only answer is to see and hear it all for yourself! But don’t just watch it once, this magical fun animated audio book needs to be studied again and again as it is a very large reorientation of everything!

This is a historical ending event!
You don’t wanna miss this!

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    All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Page Last updated: 01 June 2024 at 7:49am