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Epic Sound 5: Our Unsustainable and Unnatrual Way of Life

Hour 1: Audio Icon
Hour 2: Audio Icon
Epic Sound 5: Our Unsustainable and Unnatural Way of Life: Materialistic life, Vaccines, Face Diapers, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Separation of Man / Nature, The death cult, Billionaire Worship, 40 Hour work week, New World Order, Ring Lands, War, Injustice, Inequality, Soul power, Political nonsense, Alternative News, Lack of Alternative solutions, Political Parties, “collectivism”, Sci/Fi Fantasy Future, inability to cope with reality, Saviors, Egotism, Death of the Natural World, Increasing Government power, Excessive Laws and Red Tape, The American Dream, The Money Wheel, Rich vs Poor, Corporate Sponsorship, The Kali Yuga, Degeneration, Lack of Compassion and willpower, Outdated systems of governance, American Competition, Alienation of individuals, False Ego, End of Morality, Keep Austin Weird, Big Tech Censorship, Why We Lack Revolution, Elimination of Truth, Circular Systems, Ring Lands, Fertility cults, Offering / Breeding system, True Collectivism, The necessity of individuality, Story Tellers, Oral tradition, Destroying the False Narrative, Alice in Wonderland, Defeat of Anti-intellectualism, The Solution… and more!