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"A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them."

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.            

      Domestic civilization is feminine and concrete. Nomadism is masculine and abstract. This reasoning comes from understanding the Chinese Yijing scripture, or "Book of Changes". Hexagram 1 is the masculine spirit, Hexagram 2 is the feminine earth, this also corresponds to the occult science of Astrology, which defines the masculine elements as air and fire and the feminine elements as water and earth. The strategic accumulation of wealth or resources, bonds humanity into materialism which is categorically feminine. Ma is a mother, and Mater is mother (Latin) from which we get our word material. While the value of resources and materials is in their use, the hoarding and control of resources has become a reason to exist itself. We use these materials to now to control each other, which all results in one handing over the meaning of life, well-being, happiness, power and freedom all for the value of matter, the mother.

      Possessions become possessors (fight club quote), and can even serve as authorities in lives of human beings and define the limits of human freedom, pastimes, respectability, and human becoming. Take for example A.I. Artificial Intelligence, the absolute extreme expression of materialism which formally deifies an unconscious mineral composite as a God, or Goddess. Apparently A.I. is the solution to all our problems and will be doing all the decision making and even our own thinking according to some acolytes of this false cult such as the transhumanist and Google C.E.O: Ray Kurzweil.

      Again, breaking off the prefix of the word materialism we get "mat" the prefix that originates from the latin word: mater which means "mother". This suggests that a matter is of the mother and is feminine centered. The word matter, maternal, matriarchy and matrix, this is all pointing to the mother principle. And it seems these transhumanists want this sci-fi movie "The Matrix" to be our reality.

      But we already lie in a matrix. The domestic matrix. While being domestic instead of nomadic itself isn’t bad or wrong, it’s counterpart of nomadism which is the adventurous natural open world of journeying, quests and tourism serves as its opposite; balancing the excessive limitations and preventing the degeneration and ossification of the spirit. Not to mention when one lives on the road one tends to carry little on the back as it all just adds weight and burden. But just look now how that freedom to travel has fared in recent times?

      As everything is commodified: goods, houses, land, clothing, people, food and water etc. The life of possessions in the extreme in-turn possess those instead as unconscious authorities reign over the lives of human beings. These possessions define the limits of human freedom, pastimes, respectability, and human becoming. They are everything or we are nothing.

      Materialism is excessive identification with matter: of the inanimate over the animate, the lifeless over the living, the lesser over the greater, weak over strong. It is all regulated by the “sea of commerce” which then drives people to work and define the life of the individual. But where is the individual in all this when wealth, resources, property, is the real value? The flesh, the body, and the instinct for survival prevails, but to what end? It’s the unexamined and unconscious life of habit. The weak, the unconscious, the habit, the mundane, the darkness, the material, the body and yes even death: are all categorically feminine virtues. This unexamined and meaningless habitual pursuit of "property" then leads further and further into unconscious servility. Meanwhile institutions of government or corporations are telling you your own body and private property has absolutely no right to opt out from their medical policy dictate, and if you dare do so you will be punished. So even though the body is valued highly we still cannot be allowed to have it.

      Indeed, the majority of the accumulation of "wealth" and material resources is through institutions. All this is officially done in present day civilization through the organs of institutions. When you are born you become a product of these institutions. Your parents unconsciously enter into a trust with the government to create your legal name. A corporation that has no rights whatsoever and is property of the state is assigned to you and becomes your legal identity. You are left unaware of this and proceed as told.

The Animatrix : The Second Renissance Part 2

     Institutions, like the moon are rooted in cycles of predictable, order, regularity, limitation, and embody these feminine virtues. Domestic civilization cannot function without this habit structure. Institutions once established operate much like a machine in cycles, compulsion and habit. Left to themselves unconsciously dominates the mind of the masses as they follow the patterns of the matrix. The institution has a sacred purpose. It's the preservation of knowledge. But this must be balanced with freedom, mind, and the un-bonded natural state of mankind, for if without reduces individuality, novelty, and absolute freedom of spirit which is the nature of mind itself. Institutions and individuals therefore enter into a white hot conflict creating an age of destruction, whereby individuals are seen as the opposition, terrorists and enemies of the state as people are told to become robotic for the convenience of institutions in the matrix.

      ’The matrix’ is not just a great sci-fi movie series but also our reality. Ma-tri-x: Ma is again the mother, Tri is three and this is the X, Y and Z axis. The last letter X is the intersections of these coordinates. We live in the matrix. Of these three dimensions. But malevolency only rears its ugly head in the midst of extremism, ideology and absolutism.

      Etymology of Matrix: Matrix - 1373, from O.Fr. matrice, from L. Matrix (gen. matricis) "pregnant animal," in L.L. "womb," also "source, origin," from mater (gen. matris) "mother." Sense of "place or medium where something is developed" is first recorded 1555; sense of "embedding or enclosing mass" first recorded 1641. Logical sense of "array of possible combinations of truth-values" is attested from 1914.

      Human domestic civilization is a a matrix, a womb, a hive, a box which is predominately made up of the once sacred four corners or four winds of Earth, now become the four corners of a domicile. A city’s series of squares or lattice of limitations in the physical and mental environment is like one big house, or kingdom for all to live in. Sameness is preferred for the convenience of institutions, and homogeneity for the resources we hoard. Free human nature is an inconvenience, even one’s gender may be suppressed to achieve interchangeability. Nature will be denied and ungrounded ideas will replace it. Exchanging natural for the supernatural in order to have human nature exchanged for the artificial. The inner nature of man is rejected and replaced with learned constructs removing personality or diversity to fulfill the will of the matrix. The facade of social roles rules freezes into an ego, emotional armoring and false identity replacing the soul of man. When this process reaches its furthest extreme nature again slips through the cracks breaking free to tear down the facade and the artificial environment, both internal and external. But until then, a plethora of unrealized masses may have no knowledge of who they are individually, or where they come from but live to follow: social order. Being so internally mutilated by conditioning the assistance of the others will be required to manage the neglected nature of the self. While the dictators of control being aware of this internal climate of the individual then swoop in to prey upon softened masses with new types of psychological tactics, mass hysteria, rhetoric and uniformity to placate with the faculties of control with mandates, mass media, mania and mass-murder (war). The matrix therefore reaches its state of total degeneracy and enters Thanatos: the instinct for death.

      Domestic civilization void of its nomadic counterpart minimizes independence; humans are trapped in cities or plots of land, perhaps even told to remain inside their homes, because the boogie man or a ghost haunts the air outside. We then wheel ourselves around in a metal carriage isolating ourselves from that outside world. The wheels give a sense of freedom and serve as a symbol of heaven but still yet are confined to stay within the lines.


"Stay on Trail" it says when you visit nature conservatorys or national parks.
Show your government permit, and get on a waiting list to access nature and parks.
They say it's all an effort preserve nature, not to cut humanity off from it.
Notice the sheild symbolism, on one side you have nature and on the other is? Answer: YOU.

      According to institutions man must be tamed to stay within the limits of the matrix and stay out of the regions prohibited by "authority". Human may be able to go outside the square for a time if they have their recreation passport but they must not wander too far off the trails, and always be ready to show their papers. Humans are thereby separated from being amongst nature within and without. Reformed into a useful machine that the institution may or may not choose to "employ" once one is common to the limits of acceptable speech, thought or expression. People must conform to reach institutional needs. Collectivism (feminine virtue) is primary, individualism (masculine virtue) may not even be secondary, sentimentality (false emotion) overrides logic, feeling, thought, natural order, and freedom.

      Scientific materialism which deifies the feminine principle (by consulting unconscious matter as the oracle of truth via scientific trials) is the only method for finding truth. Albeit deified, it cannot be recognized however as an individual goddess, or feminine principle. As that would endow it with consciousness (masculine virtue) and nature which opens up a can of worms institutions would rather avoid. Matter: the mother, serves as the one and only source of truth; yet we must regard it as dead and unconscious for the good of all. And although it gives us our only source of truth, it must not be properly honored, as the planet must be rend apart without a second thought in the name of "progress". Thus: even the soul of matter: the Anima Mundi is denied in absence of its opposite. And this is also the soul of man A.K.A. his anima.

17th Century Alchemical art depicting the "Anima Mundi" (the woman) by Robert Fludd)
While men are commonly seen as the perpetrator and nature his victim,
actually the materialist paradigm (obsession with matter / feminine) is it's own worst enemy,
not only destroying itself, but the soul within matter or man's inner nature as well.

      Within the tiny box of scientific materialism there is no reality outside of matter even though 95% of the universe may be "dark matter" (meaning it's not matter we can prove exists but we're gonna call it matter anyway). The scientific method is trial and error not an all knowing logos; but anointed on the altar to rule the mind of the masses: it deifies the feminine while feminizing (de-spiritualizes) it as well. It demands reproducible results (habit), material evidence, and the feminine virtues of consistency, and support, but it does not allow ideas (mascuilne spirit / mind) which connect these circles to the larger whole and sol.

      The larger whole remains indestructible however. Whether you’re working with Jung's archetypes, the 12 zodiac, the Tarot, symbols, or Freud's model of the psyche, the hero or wanderer lives within these models and concepts passed down from the ancestors through the double helix and mythology. "Hero" or not, man has these models within and they serve as: foundation. This foundation being indestructible (spirit, mind) it can only be replaced by a lesser form or alias. Thus not a rebel or hero, but a sports star, not a wild man but a uniform. Man no longer roaming free: is uniformed, domesticated and must follow the rules. Unable to eliminate heroism - it is repackaged. Domesticated sports heroes can be permitted because they can be manipulated by the matrix and set the example or others. Uniformity, collective, sameness, all can prevail at the expense of individality. No oneness with yourself or nature (individuality), just "oneness" with their control program and over every detail of your life.

       `This type of social structure is a blood sacrifice and proceeds as follows: 1) Extreme exsistential stress on the individual results from collective values. 2) This seeps into the collective as "social issues" (once approved) or crime (unapproved). 3) The buildup of stress leads to stagnation, social breakdown and rebellion. 4) Now patriotism is born to repair the damage and men are ritually and pubically sacrificed: In otherwords: war begins abroad. The country sends out its men as a blood sacrifice to assuage the feminine domestic unrest and angst with itself. Now we can blame someone else for this! Now we can avoid responsibility for our mistakes! Release the souls trapped in matter! Release the tension of man's enslavement! Make gains (via power, resources, land etc.) for the matrix! Now he can vent his angst, his pent up rage in a socially approved way: on the "enemy": the other nations of men, their angst, and their needs; satisfying the insatiable blood lust of the animus false dragon bitch! (See Beginner's Pack video 2 & 7 for explanation of the false yin/yang/dragon concept). Loss of morality within: results in conflict without.

       The degenerate matrix may disregard logos for the pathos, reason for sensation. Not because we feel but because we deny all feeling. Man's feeling comes from his ling (soul in Chinese, Lingam: phallus in Hindi). Our denial of feeling means our attention must constantly police it. Who is in control then? Man can't feel his ling, must deny it, and mannerisms preside over public discourse with the force of logos in order to deny any true feeling and therefore empathy or the true power of his individual soul. These rules must be followed or the trance is broken and "rudeness" erupts. This is pathological, as pathos is of the emotion, logos is of reason, but when pathos leads logic: pathos-logic or pathology is the result. Logical fallacies and disinformation thus run rampant in such an environment. This all due to the neglect of the correct management of nature and one’s faculties.

      The fallen matrix uses the weak force over the strong, the deification of image, the madonna, the body, the female figure flanks nearly every product design or advertisement: due to its suppression and absence in reality. Again the materialist paradigm is its own worst enemy, the denial of feeling and the following of form or matter renders the true feminine: mute. Manhood is then defined by a list of rules that flatters institutions.

      The male grows up to conform to the initiatives of the female who is more easy to manipulate by institutions. "First you get the women, then you've got the children, so follow the men" -Adolph Hitler. The male psyche is embedded with the projection of the animus or the unconscious masculine aspect in the female, while the female psyche is unified with the projections of the outer world. So once the Matrix has taken every shred of masculinity from the male: his balls now empty, he gets a facsimile to replace it: a stupid noisy truck, an obnoxious motorbike, an extra loud muffler, a shiny sports car, or a big gun to replace the one which doesn't work anymore. Again the material goods are fallen back on for support.

      Hexagram 1 of the Yijing scripture: the masculine is defined as pure spirit. Spirit is trancendental, mind, consciousness itself. It cannot be fully defined. Efforts to homogenize and standardize it can be positive, reinforcing even enlightening, but held onto too rigidly can also ossify or compartmentalize.

      In paradise humanity was more mascuilne, more wild, and more nomadic (just as the animals are today). Hunting and gathering, we lived in balance with nature, we did not try to control or change it (that began relativley recently). As we moved from place to place the individual and the imagination defined the group and narrative. When "The Matrix" arose we lost our narrative. Our His-story, and our oral traditions. The Church burned anyone on the stake who was guilty of hear-say "hersey" or pro-pagan-anda or "propaganda" (pro pagan spirituality). With the shift from clans of movement to rigid boundaries and sedentary modalities the focus shifted away from human individuals, to dull human collectives. Everything today is a collective buzz. We have no leaders or individuals. With the shift to domestic modes of living the focus became the hoarding of the abundance of resources for life rather than the journey or experience OF life. Humanity today is even now being regarded as unnecessary and sought for replacement by further artifice. When natural movement, individuality and freedom is restricted and the natural environment destroyed, the dark chaos of oppression and dehumanization unfolds.

      We need an alternative. We are building that and I invite you to come join. This is a multigenerational project and will take ages to fully realize, but we can start today. We stand now at the end of history. The story and narrative is being proven false daily. While at the same time all our knowledge and language is being finally understood and truly revealed. The choice for each of us remains: are we going to awaken and realize who we are? Or are we going to continue to forget and fall into weakness and compulsion? It’s up to you. At iFemørål Majesti we discuss the solutions to this messy but perhaps necessary fall into our current state and what the next steps are. In a nutshell we need balance, but to get there we have to understand the nature of whats is balance is being balanced what and that could mean in order to get back to where we came: nature. A return BACK is the only way forward. It's been said many times. A return to ourselves to nature and ultimately the realization of paradise. It is our destiny.

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Page Last updated: 13 May 2024 at 1:54pm